Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Progression comes and goes

I started off this week feeling really good and energized.  Monday's WOD had the ever-loving burpees in them, but I didn't even care, I was just really excited that there wasn't a run involved.  Normally when I do burpees, I get 2 or 3 done, then my form just goes out the door, I'm sucking wind trying to breathe and I literally am crawling (not jumping) off the ground.  This workout I was able to string more together in a row and had a little (it's all relative) more 'pep in my step'.  I was totally wiped out afterward, but also felt really good. 

This morning (Tuesday), I had to have a little talking to with myself to get to the box.  I don't know what exactly my problem was, I slept ok, not great, but I got about 6 hours of sleep, but I didn't have alot of energy this morning and I was really hungry when I woke up.  I knew I didn't have time to eat before going, I had almost convinced myself that I would just go after work and then right to CFE, or I would just go Wednesday am.  Then I remembered what my schedule was for this week and realized, I wasn't going to be able to make either of those substitute times, so I had a few sips of cold coffee and walked out the door.  I must have sensed there would be a running workout, because when I got there, that was what was on the board.  Thankfully there was a 2 minute rest between each round, but this was tougher than I was expecting.  I felt sluggish and all over the place on the runs, the pull-ups weren't so bad, but 20 each round was hard.  I had to do sets of 10 or 5,  I didn't get all 20 in a row.

Monday morning:
for time, reps 21-15-9 of:
Power Clean (@55#)
my time = 7:46
Post – 5 min AMRAP of: push-ups.  This was really tough!  I had to do knee pushups and couldn't believe how fatigued my arms got.  I did 20 in a row, then it went downhill from there.  At the end I couldn't do more than 2 in a row.  Total = 63

Tuesday morning:
MetCon: 19:36
4 Rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups – green band
400m Run
Rest precisely 2 minutes between rounds
runs were really hard this morning, felt slow/sluggish.

Tuesday night CFCE:
we did mostly drills today, but also the infamous "Death by 10 Meters".  It's basically running suicides in a minute.  You build up, every minute you add 1 more rep.  So 1 min = 1; 2 min = 2, 3min = 3, +++  I finished round 12 and DNF round 13.  The guy who got the most tonight completed 18 and just missed 19.  as the rounds increase you are essentially sprinting the whole way, not much rest as the clock starts on every minute.  This is our last week of the onramp class.  We have our 5k run on Thursday so we can see our progression over this month....I'm trying not think about it :-)

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