Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Glossary of Terms

This is going to be a quick post that I will probably edit as I go along.  Since I don't really know who all reads my blog, I forget that not everyone is jiving my lingo.

CF = CrossFit.  CrossFit is a constantly varied, high intensity training program, a lot of military, police & fire fighters have adapted this training/conditioning method
CFC = CrossFit Chicago, the best gym in the world - http://www.crossfitchicago.com/
CFCE = CrossFit Chicago Endurance - running program at above mentioned gym
Box = aka CFC or any CrossFit gym, the actual building, it reminds me of an Airplane! quote

You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.
A hospital? What is it?
It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now
I digress...back to CFC, etc..

Burpees = the equivalent of an "up & down" from gym class (Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you, Kick your feet back to a pushup position, Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible from the squat position) Clearly I copied & pasted the definition from the Internet, my favorite part was "Most athletes will average between 12 and 15 repetitions per 30 seconds" -  I strive for the day I can do that many that fast!
Pull Ups = chin ups on a bar
Green Band = the thick elastic band I string over the bar and put my foot in to help lift me up
WOD = workout of the day, - whatever workout the coaches have selected.  There are certain specific
MetCon = metabolic conditioning, also called WOD
CrossFit workouts that are named (Cindy, Fran, etc..)
AMRAP = as many reps as possible in a prescribed amount of time
10 Min Cap = workout is intended to be completed within the cap time, otherwise it's technically a DNF (did not finish)

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