Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fight Gone Heavy

Fight Gone Heavy - was heavy!  I knew this was going to be a tough one, but the first round of 30 reps was brutal.  The wall balls were actually ok, but picking up the bar for the SDHP felt like a load of bricks.  I had to break the reps into 5s or 4s even a few 3s and by round 2 & 3 my form was way off, I was just trying to knock the reps out and be done.  The row actually felt ok, it was definitely challenging, but I've come to like the row machine.  A big leap from the beginning when I used to think I was going to throw up rowing a 250m.  There was a guys who's first day at CrossFit was yesterday morning, what a workout to start out on!!  I kind of felt bad for him, but he did awesome.  He's athletic and looked healthy, but I think, like everyone when they start out, you have no idea what you are up for until your into it. I remember how much I struggled in the beginning, and still do now, but it's different.  I realized how far I have come.  I laugh at how nervous and scared I was and how just the warm up used to have me wiped out and breathing heavy.  My brother Brett was the one who got me into CF and I thought he was exaggerating when he would tell me he could barely make it through warm ups in the beginning.

CFE class last night was good.  We did a lot of drills and practiced pacing with a metronome.  It was interesting to try and keep your feet going to the pace of the metronome.  Rhythm is not one of my strong suits, so I was the big white dork counting out loud to myself in the beginning!  Thankfully we were not videotaping this.  It made a huge difference using it though, I can feel the difference now of running with good form vs. poor.  It doesn't feel "natural" yet, but it is so much more comfortable than what I was doing before.  I can focus on the POSE form when we are drilling & doing short distances (200m).  Erin challenged us all to make sure we try to incorporate this during out workouts w/runs or when we are out practicing.  Definitely need to make an effort on that.  I wasn't able to do much form work on Monday's WOD, so I will try to focus on that for Friday's....apparently there are a few 400m runs - oh yippee!

my time: 24:36 (goal was to finish under 25 minutes)
Fight Gone Heavy
30-20-10 reps of:
Wall Ball (12# to 11′ target)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @65#
Box Jumps (20″) - did step ups
Push Press @65#
Row for calories (10 damper setting)

After my weekend away, I'm back on track with eating clean.  Tuesday was weigh-in day.  I think my hopes were up a little too high about what I would lose last week.  I knew my exercise had been good & thought that would be enough to compensate for my social activities last week....unfortunately, it was not.  I guess I should be happy that I stayed even.  I had first weighed in on 9/9, I'm still down 2.2lbs, but I'm not going to reach my 25lbs goal by 12/31 at this pace.  I really think I have to cut out alcohol for awhile and see what changes that affects. I had forgotten that I drank 3 nights last week

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