Almost forgot to post today! Just got back from the Cubs game - they lost, no surprise, but it was odd to be watching a game in winter clothes....had to bust out my fleece jacket & hat! I was proud of myself for not drinking any beer or eating at the stadium. I know this weekend is going to be busy, I have plans Thursday, Friday & Saturday, so don't need to waste any calories on Old Style light when it's 55 degrees out.
I haven't slept well the last couple of nights and this morning's workout was a lot harder than I was expecting it to be. I was late and had to do 15 burpees. I'm finally over my fear of being late to class...this was my 3rd time being late, at least I wasn't the only one today. I was gassed after the first round and seriously wondering if I was going to make it. I couldn't catch my breath and just felt drained. It got a little better but the burpees were horrendous, I was literally crawling back up on at least 5/round. I couldn't even push/jump/move my body off the ground. The box jumps I was able to get a rhythm to a little bit and did sets of between 5 - 8, KB were unbroken, but the weight was a little light probably. By the time I got to grab a KB the only choices were 15#, 20# and 55+. 20# was really my only option. HSPU were the post-wod, I still am not really stable on the regular handstand so Zack had me work on pike pushups off the 20" box. I finally got my head to the ground 3x on the last set (did 4 sets of 5).
Tomorrow is our baseline 5k run for the CFE on-ramp class. I'm a little nervous about it. I know I can't run the whole thing, but Mike & Erin were so cool yesterday in class. They were great about explaining what we'd be learning (mechanics, gait, form, nutrition, etc..) and made a point to say you have to learn to do it the right way, XYZ are the benefits, then you can worry about getting faster. For the first time in a long time I wasn't intimidated/self-conscious about how crappy I am at running because they told us we're all going to get better and improve - I actually believe them. Erin videoed our running form and we're going to review it tomorrow night.
5 rounds (15 min cap)
10 burpees
15 box jumps (subbed 3x45# plates)
20 KB (20#)
time was 14:15
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