Saturday, September 18, 2010

5 x 400m = Friday Fun?

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday (Friday), so I'm doing a quick one now.  I wanted to post every workout to keep consistent with writing. 

I think I jinxed myself on this workout.  On Thursday night after the CFE workout, I told Christina that I'd see her tomorrow at the 6am class, then added "I really hope we don't have any runs in the WOD".  I checked the website before I went to bed Thursday night and the workout hadn't been posted yet, I told myself I couldn't check again, just show up to the box and deal with it.  Sure enough, I walk in, look at the board, saw the workout & I was pissed! I seriously got mad that there was a 5 x 400m run this morning.  It's so irrational to get fired up like that, but I couldn't help it, I was mad at the workout for being there!  UGHHHH!  I was too embarrassed to tell anyone else how mad I was, but I did let it slip to Rudy, as expected, he laughed at me.  I know I can't get any better running until I run consistently...but I think I secretly hope that there will be a divine intervention one day and I will just wake up a better runner, hahaha.  Until then, I will shut up and run.

Bench Press 5-3-3 @ 75#, 85#, 95#.  the last one at 95# was tough, but I got it up

5 Rounds for time of:400m Run
20 Push-ups (did from my knees)
10 Toes-to-bar (couldn't get toes to bar - did more of a high knee pull up)

Time: 21:36 - I was fine with this, I really thought it would take me 25min.  I was so happy when this was over, but to be honest with myself, it was not anywhere as horrible as I thought it was going to be.  I did get lapped by a couple of the speed demons, I'm thoroughly impressed with fitness level of a few people in our class this morning.  I had to walk a bit in rounds 4 & 5, I really need to work on my breathing, I think I'm sapping some of my energy by breathing so heavy/not controlling my breathing.

I'm going to give myself a C- for Friday.  I did really well until dinner time.  I had an early breakfast meeting I went to and the meal was preset (sweet rolls/bread, scrambled eggs w/sausage patties & potatoes).  I only at the eggs and 1 sausage patty.  I had a protein shake for a snack and then a chicken breast & 1 cup of grapes for lunch. I went home for the weekend with some friends to go the to MSU football game.  My mom had dinner ready when we got in.  I didn't eat much and used an appetizer plate on purpose so I wouldn't overfill my plate.  I had a few bites of cheese & crackers, maybe 3 oz pork, a few bites of mom's famous  mashed potatoes, some vegetables, 1 very small choc chip cookie.  But, I ended up having 2 glasses of wine & 3 beers....we were all sitting around the kitchen table laughing, having hilarious conversations and I just gave in....  I'm really going to watch my food today, I know we're going to some tailgates later on, let's see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. You're making great progress Holly! I remember my first 800m at CrossFit Chicago...I walked half of it! Always remember to keep your legs moving. They'll get you there.
