Thursday, September 30, 2010

Resting Up

I know when I decided to do this blog that part of my intention of letting people know about it was to keep my honest and on track.  This week has proved that it was the correct thing to do.  I thought I had done a fairly good job of keeping up, I posted on Sunday and 2 on Tuesday.  I got a reminder call Tuesday from Bryan (literally as I as typing) giving me a not so subtle "hey - doesn't look like you've written anything lately", followed by a "what, you told us to keep you honest" (apparently I'm not always as receptive to feedback as I should be -haha!)  As well as an email from Liz today reminding me that I needed to write.  I was really touched that people noticed and kept me honest.  So to my dear friends - thank you very much!

I was supposed to do the 5k run again tonight for the last CFE on-ramp class.  I've been fighting a cold all week & today it got me, so I had to cancel.  I am leaving Saturday afternoon for a week to go on vacation in Colorado. I really want to get it done before I go, so I'm trying to figure out how to get everything I need done in the next day and a half (packing/laundry/errands, etc...)  I have a new rep starting on my team tomorrow, so I can't take the day off.  I am excited about going to Colorado. I know we'll get a lot of hiking in as well as I'm planning on checking out a couple of the local boxes out there.  I did a Google search and found 5 that seemed to be in the area, so it should be interesting to try out another spot.

Nutrition:  my food this week has been really good.  I have gotten into the very bad habit of weighing myself almost everyday.  I need to stop, because if I don't see a drop (even a slight one) I get annoyed.  I've been faithful to the food log and keeping it updated, which helps tremendously. 

Ok - I'm exhausted and am heading to bed, pathetically early, but oh well!  More later

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Progression comes and goes

I started off this week feeling really good and energized.  Monday's WOD had the ever-loving burpees in them, but I didn't even care, I was just really excited that there wasn't a run involved.  Normally when I do burpees, I get 2 or 3 done, then my form just goes out the door, I'm sucking wind trying to breathe and I literally am crawling (not jumping) off the ground.  This workout I was able to string more together in a row and had a little (it's all relative) more 'pep in my step'.  I was totally wiped out afterward, but also felt really good. 

This morning (Tuesday), I had to have a little talking to with myself to get to the box.  I don't know what exactly my problem was, I slept ok, not great, but I got about 6 hours of sleep, but I didn't have alot of energy this morning and I was really hungry when I woke up.  I knew I didn't have time to eat before going, I had almost convinced myself that I would just go after work and then right to CFE, or I would just go Wednesday am.  Then I remembered what my schedule was for this week and realized, I wasn't going to be able to make either of those substitute times, so I had a few sips of cold coffee and walked out the door.  I must have sensed there would be a running workout, because when I got there, that was what was on the board.  Thankfully there was a 2 minute rest between each round, but this was tougher than I was expecting.  I felt sluggish and all over the place on the runs, the pull-ups weren't so bad, but 20 each round was hard.  I had to do sets of 10 or 5,  I didn't get all 20 in a row.

Monday morning:
for time, reps 21-15-9 of:
Power Clean (@55#)
my time = 7:46
Post – 5 min AMRAP of: push-ups.  This was really tough!  I had to do knee pushups and couldn't believe how fatigued my arms got.  I did 20 in a row, then it went downhill from there.  At the end I couldn't do more than 2 in a row.  Total = 63

Tuesday morning:
MetCon: 19:36
4 Rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups – green band
400m Run
Rest precisely 2 minutes between rounds
runs were really hard this morning, felt slow/sluggish.

Tuesday night CFCE:
we did mostly drills today, but also the infamous "Death by 10 Meters".  It's basically running suicides in a minute.  You build up, every minute you add 1 more rep.  So 1 min = 1; 2 min = 2, 3min = 3, +++  I finished round 12 and DNF round 13.  The guy who got the most tonight completed 18 and just missed 19.  as the rounds increase you are essentially sprinting the whole way, not much rest as the clock starts on every minute.  This is our last week of the onramp class.  We have our 5k run on Thursday so we can see our progression over this month....I'm trying not think about it :-)

Glossary of Terms

This is going to be a quick post that I will probably edit as I go along.  Since I don't really know who all reads my blog, I forget that not everyone is jiving my lingo.

CF = CrossFit.  CrossFit is a constantly varied, high intensity training program, a lot of military, police & fire fighters have adapted this training/conditioning method
CFC = CrossFit Chicago, the best gym in the world -
CFCE = CrossFit Chicago Endurance - running program at above mentioned gym
Box = aka CFC or any CrossFit gym, the actual building, it reminds me of an Airplane! quote

You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.
A hospital? What is it?
It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now
I digress...back to CFC, etc..

Burpees = the equivalent of an "up & down" from gym class (Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you, Kick your feet back to a pushup position, Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible from the squat position) Clearly I copied & pasted the definition from the Internet, my favorite part was "Most athletes will average between 12 and 15 repetitions per 30 seconds" -  I strive for the day I can do that many that fast!
Pull Ups = chin ups on a bar
Green Band = the thick elastic band I string over the bar and put my foot in to help lift me up
WOD = workout of the day, - whatever workout the coaches have selected.  There are certain specific
MetCon = metabolic conditioning, also called WOD
CrossFit workouts that are named (Cindy, Fran, etc..)
AMRAP = as many reps as possible in a prescribed amount of time
10 Min Cap = workout is intended to be completed within the cap time, otherwise it's technically a DNF (did not finish)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday workout - weekend eating

I didn't get around to posting on Friday, so I'm doing it now, but adding in this weekend as well.  Friday's workout was tough, I was still really tired from Thursday night's 3x800 intervals and not sleeping well (about 4 hours).  I was, of course, less than thrilled to walk into the box & see the WOD had 4 rounds of 400m run.  I know better than to complain out-loud or ask for leniency about a workout, however, it had been raining all morning, so I summoned enough courage to ask if we run in the rain...thankfully Bryce offered up subbing a row for the run,  I was elated!  I was the only one who took the offer, but it made me happy.

my time: 18:46
4 rounds for time of:
400m Run (subbed 500m row)
10 Burpees
10 Pull-ups (green band)

rows were 2:20, 2:22, 2:20; 2:18
burpees – a little better than last time, less crawling
pull-ups – mostly 5/5

So far I've lost 5lbs since I started my commitment & blogging.  I feel like my body has made more changes than the scale says, so I'm not getting consumed with the number right now.  I had a pretty decent milestone this weekend.  For the last 2 years, the left-hand side of my closet has been filled with clothes that do not fit.  It's depressing at times to look at how many nice things that I have that I can't wear.  Since it was so cold out, I decided to pick a few things and try them on.  Very happily 2 pairs of jeans & 1 pair of dress pants fit now!!  It was so fun to put them on and just zip them right up.  That was a huge mental victory for me.  I already know I physically feel good and can tell a difference from the last 3 weeks, but to have some concrete evidence is nice too.

Going out and being social is a big part of my life.  It's always a huge challenge for me to do this and maintain a sense of staying on track.  I tend to treat going out to be a celebration, so therefore, I don't really think to much or care about what I order/eat.  This weekend was a lot of eating out & I wanted to make sure I stayed focused and didn't go overboard.  I had eaten well all week, so Friday night I gave myself as a cheat meal.  Food wise it wasn't that bad, but I had 5 drinks.  Saturday I met some friends in the late afternoon, we were supposed to go to the putting green at Millennium Park but it was so cold we ended up going to The Gage for 5 hours...I had a great time, but kept Bryce's article in mind and I stayed in control of the situation.  I drank club soda w/a lime and tried to pick the healthier options on the menu.  Before I would have probably gone in there with the "intention of being good", but given up as soon as everyone else ordered their beers, especially since I was a little hungover still from Friday night.  We got a bunch of small plates to share, I chose the Mussels, Tartare of Antelope, pickles & olives.  We also got french fries w/curry gravy, cheese fondue, scotch egg & a smoked fish cheese dip.  Everything came with grilled garlic bread for dipping.  I tried a bite of the fondue & fish dip w/a small bit of bread and had a couple of fries, but left it as just a taste.  We made plans to meet up for breakfast this morning at a lovely French bakery/cafe and the corned beef & hash is delicious there.  I ended up ordering a mushroom omelet with fruit & a side salad instead of the potatoes.  Tonight is dinner at one of my favorite restaurants Chilam Balam (Mexican tapas/small plates).  I'm really excited to go and see everyone but I have a plan in mind for what I'll order.  For me, what seems to work best is when I have a plan and commit to sticking to it.  Now that I've seen some progress, I'm feel like my commitment to myself is getting easier to do.  Before, I would very rarely put myself first, now that I am, doing it feels really good.

This week's workout schedule: Monday, Tuesday & Friday morning at CFC, Tues & Thurs night at CF Endurance.  This is the last week of the on-ramp class....I can't believe how quickly the month flew by!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

3x800m intervals

Today's workout was 3 x 800m intervals with a 2min rest between.  For some reason, I'm always comforted by a workout that has a mandatory rest period in it (haha), I should know better by now, that the workouts with a rest period, are really hard.  I wasn't sure really what to expect.  Mike had done our splits off of our 5k baseline and the time he told me was 5:40/split.  I was fine with that.  I had gotten my head around it's only 1.5 miles, not that bad.  Intervals make a big difference in developing speed, endurance - I think I'm a bigger fan of the 4x400 distance :-)

Round 1 felt really good, I only walked for 10 seconds, kept my form for a decent chunk of the route.  Round 2, started out feeling good and then I got really tired, was slouching, looking down, I walked about 2 blocks total.  Mike told me for Round 3 to just slow down, but keep moving.  I tried, but just before the turnaround point I started walking for about 20 seconds, then I had to walk 1 block a little bit later.  I really recognized tonight, how much of a mental weakness this is for me.  Physically I should have been able to run all 3 rounds (slowly).  But, I am so programmed to run/walking that when I get breathing really heavy and tired, I've convinced myself that I have to walk.  I'm trying hard to not be so disappointed in myself over this.  I have to keep practicing and not allowing myself to just stop and walk.  On the walk back to the box I was trying to think the last time I ran a mile straight - not stopping.  I think it was in high school.  I didn't run at all in college, except for intramural basketball games, but that was always stop & go.

not 100% sure, but I think these were my splits.
Round 1 = 4:35
Round 2 = 5:20
Round 3 = 5:35

I did really well today and yesterday.  I kept my calorie total to about 1,300.  I've started to try and eat fish 3x a week.  I like fish, but don't really know how to cook it well, so I've been experimenting, so far nothing has been that bad/too overcooked.  Tuesday I had a minor slip up involving some cheese flavored Combos, but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't disastrous.  Interestingly enough though, as much as I enjoyed the salty goodness when it were going down, I felt like garbage about 1 hour later.  I was surprised at how much I could really feel a difference.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fight Gone Heavy

Fight Gone Heavy - was heavy!  I knew this was going to be a tough one, but the first round of 30 reps was brutal.  The wall balls were actually ok, but picking up the bar for the SDHP felt like a load of bricks.  I had to break the reps into 5s or 4s even a few 3s and by round 2 & 3 my form was way off, I was just trying to knock the reps out and be done.  The row actually felt ok, it was definitely challenging, but I've come to like the row machine.  A big leap from the beginning when I used to think I was going to throw up rowing a 250m.  There was a guys who's first day at CrossFit was yesterday morning, what a workout to start out on!!  I kind of felt bad for him, but he did awesome.  He's athletic and looked healthy, but I think, like everyone when they start out, you have no idea what you are up for until your into it. I remember how much I struggled in the beginning, and still do now, but it's different.  I realized how far I have come.  I laugh at how nervous and scared I was and how just the warm up used to have me wiped out and breathing heavy.  My brother Brett was the one who got me into CF and I thought he was exaggerating when he would tell me he could barely make it through warm ups in the beginning.

CFE class last night was good.  We did a lot of drills and practiced pacing with a metronome.  It was interesting to try and keep your feet going to the pace of the metronome.  Rhythm is not one of my strong suits, so I was the big white dork counting out loud to myself in the beginning!  Thankfully we were not videotaping this.  It made a huge difference using it though, I can feel the difference now of running with good form vs. poor.  It doesn't feel "natural" yet, but it is so much more comfortable than what I was doing before.  I can focus on the POSE form when we are drilling & doing short distances (200m).  Erin challenged us all to make sure we try to incorporate this during out workouts w/runs or when we are out practicing.  Definitely need to make an effort on that.  I wasn't able to do much form work on Monday's WOD, so I will try to focus on that for Friday's....apparently there are a few 400m runs - oh yippee!

my time: 24:36 (goal was to finish under 25 minutes)
Fight Gone Heavy
30-20-10 reps of:
Wall Ball (12# to 11′ target)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @65#
Box Jumps (20″) - did step ups
Push Press @65#
Row for calories (10 damper setting)

After my weekend away, I'm back on track with eating clean.  Tuesday was weigh-in day.  I think my hopes were up a little too high about what I would lose last week.  I knew my exercise had been good & thought that would be enough to compensate for my social activities last week....unfortunately, it was not.  I guess I should be happy that I stayed even.  I had first weighed in on 9/9, I'm still down 2.2lbs, but I'm not going to reach my 25lbs goal by 12/31 at this pace.  I really think I have to cut out alcohol for awhile and see what changes that affects. I had forgotten that I drank 3 nights last week

Monday, September 20, 2010

a case of the Mondays!

Office Space is one of my favorite movies.  I was laughing about it as I was driving to CFC, oh so early this morning, feeling less than enthusiastic....I "had a case of the Mondays!"  This picture cracks me up. I went home for the weekend and had a great time.  I didn't eat clean, but given how I normally would have eaten all weekend long, I really didn't do that bad.  I did end up drinking both Friday & Saturday night, but my food was fairly decent.  Saturday I gave myself dinner as a cheat.  I had 4 small chocolate chip cookies (my mom's - they were awesome!), a bratwurst & a small piece of pizza + Miller Lite....I didn't count the number.  Tomorrow is my weigh-in day....we'll see what happens.

I set my workout schedule on Sunday.  This week it's Mon, Tue & Friday for CrossFit & Tue/Thurs for Endurance class.

I didn't feel stellar Saturday morning or most of Sunday and I really felt the weekend this morning during the workout.  I felt like a total slug.  We did Snatch skill/moves and the 45# bar felt like it weighed at least 2x that much.  I didn't even put extra weight on it.  I'm sure I deserved it, but the darn WOD had 3 runs in it again!  C'mon, that was the last thing I wanted to do this morning!!  I think I was too tired to stress about it.  Unfortunately my double-under skills are not really there, so Zack had me spend 4 minutes each round to get/try and get a good attempt at them.  It really helped, I wasn't thinking about the clock ticking, I knew I had 4 minutes to try them and then I was onto the run.  The second round was much better than the first.  I actually got 11 DUs and most of them were 2 - 3 in a row.  I think relaxing is the key for me on this, the less I thought about it and just thought about swinging the rope, the better I got.

For time: (20 min cap) - my time: 18:47
400M Run
25 KB Swings
50 Double-Unders
400M Run
25 KB Swings
50 Double-Unders
400M Run

Saturday, September 18, 2010

5 x 400m = Friday Fun?

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday (Friday), so I'm doing a quick one now.  I wanted to post every workout to keep consistent with writing. 

I think I jinxed myself on this workout.  On Thursday night after the CFE workout, I told Christina that I'd see her tomorrow at the 6am class, then added "I really hope we don't have any runs in the WOD".  I checked the website before I went to bed Thursday night and the workout hadn't been posted yet, I told myself I couldn't check again, just show up to the box and deal with it.  Sure enough, I walk in, look at the board, saw the workout & I was pissed! I seriously got mad that there was a 5 x 400m run this morning.  It's so irrational to get fired up like that, but I couldn't help it, I was mad at the workout for being there!  UGHHHH!  I was too embarrassed to tell anyone else how mad I was, but I did let it slip to Rudy, as expected, he laughed at me.  I know I can't get any better running until I run consistently...but I think I secretly hope that there will be a divine intervention one day and I will just wake up a better runner, hahaha.  Until then, I will shut up and run.

Bench Press 5-3-3 @ 75#, 85#, 95#.  the last one at 95# was tough, but I got it up

5 Rounds for time of:400m Run
20 Push-ups (did from my knees)
10 Toes-to-bar (couldn't get toes to bar - did more of a high knee pull up)

Time: 21:36 - I was fine with this, I really thought it would take me 25min.  I was so happy when this was over, but to be honest with myself, it was not anywhere as horrible as I thought it was going to be.  I did get lapped by a couple of the speed demons, I'm thoroughly impressed with fitness level of a few people in our class this morning.  I had to walk a bit in rounds 4 & 5, I really need to work on my breathing, I think I'm sapping some of my energy by breathing so heavy/not controlling my breathing.

I'm going to give myself a C- for Friday.  I did really well until dinner time.  I had an early breakfast meeting I went to and the meal was preset (sweet rolls/bread, scrambled eggs w/sausage patties & potatoes).  I only at the eggs and 1 sausage patty.  I had a protein shake for a snack and then a chicken breast & 1 cup of grapes for lunch. I went home for the weekend with some friends to go the to MSU football game.  My mom had dinner ready when we got in.  I didn't eat much and used an appetizer plate on purpose so I wouldn't overfill my plate.  I had a few bites of cheese & crackers, maybe 3 oz pork, a few bites of mom's famous  mashed potatoes, some vegetables, 1 very small choc chip cookie.  But, I ended up having 2 glasses of wine & 3 beers....we were all sitting around the kitchen table laughing, having hilarious conversations and I just gave in....  I'm really going to watch my food today, I know we're going to some tailgates later on, let's see what happens.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

4x400 baseline

So it dawned on me yesterday that I needed to stop counting my days "on plan" - I'm making a lifestyle change & commitment, which means, counting is pointless.  The intention is to change for good (literally), so I will make up new titles for my posts.

CFE class
4x400meter baseline with 2min rest between reps.
I didn't know this was our workout tonight, so I didn't have a chance to stress about it today - which was a good thing.  My hamstrings were so tight yesterday & today from the WOD & POSE drills, so we got a good warm up in.  I did get a little nervous when Mike told us what we were doing, but once again, there was nothing I could do about it, so I just shut up & didn't think about it.  He had taken our 5k times and put them through a run/pace calculator to give us what our splits should be.  Mine was 2:40 (I was actually ok with that).  I went last because I knew I was the slowest and didn't want to get frustrated by getting passed.  The runs actually felt ok, I noticed a huge difference from Tuesday and even thought I know I wasn't doing full-on POSE I tried to think of 1 thing for each round that I could work out.  I really noticed how much I look down when I'm running and that I shuffle my feet instead of picking them up.  The awesome part about all of this, was the group.  Only 4 runners today (1 guy, 3 girls), the guy was 1 whole minute faster than me and the girls weren't far behind that.  But every time I came in for the finish, they were all cheering me on & pushing me to go faster.  It was the best feeling.  I made it running most of the way.  I had to walk for about 10 seconds on the 3rd & 4th lap by the turnaround.

1. 2:32
2. 2:30
3. 2:28
4. 2:25

I finally went to the "new" WholeFoods store on North Ave.  I've heard great things about it but hadn't gotten there yet.  I stopped by to pick up dinner on my way home from CFE.  This place is incredible, it's huge and they have literally everything.  there was even a wine bar in it.  I really didn't feel like cooking but wanted to get something healthy.  I got some sauteed fish (tilapia & pollock) and a bunch of veggies.  Breakfast and lunch were pretty light, I'm starting to count calories now in my food log along with my Protein, Carbs & Fat.  I wasn't really aware of how many calories/day I was eating.  I'm trying to keep it within 1,300 - 1,500/day.

I'm going home for the MSU/ND football game weekend with some friend this weekend.  It will be a little bit more of challenge this weekend to stay on track.  I'm giving myself Saturday afternoon/evening as my cheat time.  I know we'll be at a few tailgates, etc..  I need to keep the booze to a minimum so I don't blow all the work I did this week.  Normally the battle cry is to "Sparty On!" -

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fight Gone Bad

Today's workout was Fight Gone Bad.  This was the first workout I did in mid-March when I went back to CFC. I wish I had written down my weights b/c I know I went really light on both the bar & Wall Ball but, I still went up by 10 points.
Total = 249
55# bar
WB = 26, 25, 23 = 74
SDHP= 15, 15, 12 = 42
BJ= 20, 18, 19 = 57
PP= 19, 13, 10 = 42
Row= 9, 12, 13 = 34

My hamstrings are really tight from last nights running drills & this morning's workout.  But overall I feel great, my energy is really good.

I went to a wine tasting tonight at a great little winebar VoLo, one of my favorite spots.  I've had this on the calendar for awhile, so I knew that I would drink but did my best to keep it in moderation. I did well "saving up" for tonight.  I had a chicken breast for breakfast, a cup of grapes for a snack and a small cup of turkey chili for lunch.   Tonight, I probably had 2 glasses of wine in total, which I'm going to say is ok, normally I would go all out & get wasted.  I had a few appetizers (2 bacon-wrapped dates, 1 hamburger bite (no bun) and 1 small veggie roll.  I made sure to drink a bunch of water in between the tastings and I had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 2 - starts well

Welcome to Week 2!  I have to say that I really enjoyed the first week, blogging has been more fun than I thought it would & I like reading what other coaches & CFCers have out there. 

This week I decided that I would plan out my workout schedule at the beginning of the week and commit to it.  Previously, I would kind of have an idea of what days I could make class, but never really firmed it up and it seems like it was more frequent for me to make 2 classes instead of the 3 I need to be at. I have a busy week, but I picked the days I was going to train on Sunday and sent a text to Christina to let her know I would be there & keep me honest.  On Sunday, I re-read Bryce's article on Motivation to Train - the message still hits me hard and sticks with me " Just remember, you are the only person who is in control of your life!  If your goal is to improve your performance and your life, you have to take control of the situation."  This is what I feel like I have finally done - taken control of the situation.

I'm excited about working out this week, normally I get nervous or scared about going, I told myself this week I was going to show up with a smile, do whatever was on the board & not overthink it.  This morning, I showed up and was another burpee workout.  I hate burpees, almost as much as I hate running. I dream of the day that I can say "I love burpees & I'm great at doing them" day it will happen!  Instead of stressing on it, I just accepted that there wasn't anything I could do to change it, so I didn't think about.  I signed up for the 1st round so I could get it over with.  It was hard and I got winded almost instantly, it was 21-15-9 front squats & then burpees.  the first set was 21 and by #4 I was feeling like an elephant. There was a 10min cap, I wanted to finish in under 8 and I did it in 7:57. 

Tonight we had the CFE class - which was once again awesome.  I really like going to this, which for me to show up excited for a 7pm class - is a big deal.  Mike & Erin are both very good coaches but also make you feel so comfortable with being there/ where you're at now,  because they tell you - and I believe them - that you will get better.  We watched the video analysis of our running tonight - this one almost broke my heart.  It was really tough to watch myself because, A. I had no idea I looked that bad running, B. I sincerely resembled an elephant.  I wanted to look away, but I knew I had to see it in order to get better.  I was instantly sad & for about 5 minutes had a little pity party for myself, focusing on how shitty I was, worse than everyone else, etc..  We were heading upstairs to work on skills/drills and I had to tell myself to F'off & move on, go get better because nothing was going to change unless I learned how to do it right and worked on it.  I was first up the stairs and first in-line to do the drills.  We worked for about 20 minutes on POSE running and by the end of it I could already tell a huge difference in my form.  It was incredible.  It doesn't feel great or natural for me right now, but it will take practice and I know if I work on it, I can do it.

My food has been good the last 2 days.  On Monday I started up again on my food log and that always helps keep me on track a little better.  I have eaten out 2 meals already this week & was able to make good choices both times.  Yesterday everyone at lunch ordered hamburgers or sandwiches with fries, I got a grilled salmon w/spinach.  Today we went for Mexican for lunch, I split a ceviche appetizer & split chicken/shrimp fajitas (just ate the meat & veggies). I cooked fish both nights for dinner.  I have noticed that I feel better in the morning working out when I eat fish for dinner.
Still haven't been sleeping well....need to find a way to shut my brain off when I go to bed.  I take a Melatonin pill every once in awhile, but I don't want to do that every night + sometimes it makes it hard to get up in the morning.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday fun

I was so tired Friday morning, I hardly slept Thursday night...just couldn't get my brain to shut off.  I had promised Christina I would meet her at the 6am class, so I dragged myself out of bed & went.  It's a good thing I taped my goals to my bathroom mirror because typically I'm a big baby about going to CF in the morning if I haven't slept well.  The alarm goes off at 5:15am, I feel wiped out and tell myself it's ok to skip, I'll go another morning.  I felt better once I got to the box and was really glad I came.  The workout felt good, I can already tell a difference about how my body feels.  I've worked out more this week (5x) than I have in probably 2 - 3 years.  I had the energy to get through the workout and for the first time the pull ups actually felt good.  I still use a band, but I was able to get closer on the chest-to-bar than I had before.  I'm sore today but will be fine with some stretching and today is a rest day.

MetCon = 5 rounds + 2 PC
10min AMRAP of:
3 Power Clean (85#)
5 chest to bar pull ups (green band)
7 Wall ball (10#) 11′

Friday night was the monthly supper club dinner with my girlfriends.  It's one of my favorite things to do, it's a great group and we always have a good time.  There's always a ton of wine and lots of laughs.  Last night, I drank club soda & was 'ok' with eating - there was warm brie w/crackers & a yummy greek salad hummus w/pita chips for appetizers, I was really hungry when I got there and chowed a bit on that, but did better with dinner.  I had salad, shrimp and a little blue cheese coleslaw, skipped the garlic bread, cheese souffle & dessert, but didn't feel like I was depriving myself.  I'm going out to dinner tonight with a couple of friend to celebrate our birthdays, so I wanted to save my cheat meal for that.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baseline 5k

oh's over with!  I spent the majority of today stressing about having to run a 5k today for the CFE class.  I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but, when Mike emailed out the entire class schedule, today's listed workout was not the 5k baseline.  I was secretly hoping that was true - it was actually the first thing I asked Mike after I said hi.  He laughed and said, "the schedule is wrong - the run is on. you'll be fine."  I just laughed, I really need to get over myself. 

I had a slight moment of panic when he asked everyone about their paces/time.  The 3 guys were all in the 21m - 23m range, my heart sank knowing I was going to once again finish last.  Luckily for me though, Christina is running a 10k on Saturday, so she volunteered to run with me.  I was upfront with her and gave her my disclaimer of "I can't run the whole way yet, so I'm doing intervals 3m run/2m walk" - she still said that was fine.  It made such a huge difference to have someone with me, we talked the whole way and I was distracted from focusing on my normal run things - breathing heavy, running heavy, everything on me is jiggling, etc...  It actually felt good to do it today, I know my form is way off, because my knees hurt right now, but I really felt energized and good after it was done.  My time was 39:38, which for most people is probably shitty, but I was thrilled to be under 40m.  I was expecting to finish in 45m.  I can't even think of the last time that I ran 1 mile, much less 3.

Continuing on my feeling good, I went out after the workout to meet some friends who were in from out of town.  They had all met up earlier at a really fun/cool lounge, so I knew by the time I showed up, everyone would be well on their way.  One of the biggest things I struggle with when I go out/eating out is being disciplined.  The majority of the time when I got out, I leave good judgment/choices at home.  I did fine last night at the Cubs game and decided before I got there tonight that I wasn't going to drink and I'd find something healthy to eat.  I did both.  I drank a ton of water, because I was legit thirsty and I ordered deviled eggs and spiced nuts (these were the healthiest things - they didn't even have salad or veggies on the menu!).  I had a great time with my friends and didn't feel like I was missing out on any fun.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 3

Almost forgot to post today!  Just got back from the Cubs game - they lost, no surprise, but it was odd to be watching a game in winter clothes....had to bust out my fleece jacket & hat!  I was proud of myself for not drinking any beer or eating at the stadium.  I know this weekend is going to be busy, I have plans Thursday, Friday & Saturday, so don't need to waste any calories on Old Style light when it's 55 degrees out.
I haven't slept well the last couple of nights and this morning's workout was a lot harder than I was expecting it to be.  I was late and had to do 15 burpees.  I'm finally over my fear of being late to class...this was my 3rd time being late, at least I wasn't the only one today.  I was gassed after the first round and seriously wondering if I was going to make it.  I couldn't catch my breath and just felt drained.  It got a little better but the burpees were horrendous, I was literally crawling back up on at least 5/round.  I couldn't even push/jump/move my body off the ground.  The box jumps I was able to get a rhythm to a little bit and did sets of between 5 - 8, KB were unbroken, but the weight was a little light probably.  By the time I got to grab a KB the only choices were 15#, 20# and 55+.  20# was really my only option.  HSPU were the post-wod, I still am not really stable on the regular handstand so Zack had me work on pike pushups off the 20" box.  I finally got my head to the ground 3x on the last set (did 4 sets of 5).
Tomorrow is our baseline 5k run for the CFE on-ramp class.  I'm a little nervous about it.  I know I can't run the whole thing, but Mike & Erin were so cool yesterday in class.  They were great about explaining what we'd be learning (mechanics, gait, form, nutrition, etc..) and made a point to say you have to learn to do it the right way, XYZ are the benefits, then you can worry about getting faster.  For the first time in a long time I wasn't intimidated/self-conscious about how crappy I am at running because they told us we're all going to get better and improve - I actually believe them.  Erin videoed our running form and we're going to review it tomorrow night.

5 rounds (15 min cap)
10 burpees
15 box jumps (subbed 3x45# plates)
20 KB (20#)
time was 14:15

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 2

I'm going to have to start thinking of better titles - but I figure I can get away with counting the days for a week!

Today's workout was 21-15-9 SDHP & Thrusters (50#) 8min cap - finished in 7:05.  After a weekend out of town I was a little nervous.  I really thought I was going to throw up after the first round of SDHP and the rest of the work out was pretty broken up.  The thrusters were especially hard, couldn't really get into a rhythm.  I was glad I finished under the cap, but not especially proud of the performance.

I joined the CFE on-ramp class & am really excited about it.  I have such a huge mental block about running (I think I'm too big, I breathe too hard, I get passed by everyone...) I've also finally acknowledged I will never get better at it if I don't even try to do anything about it.  Sometimes I'm too good of a talker & need to take my own advice.  I actually had to tell one of my reps today "I'm done hearing about what you are going to do, you need to show me".  The first class was great, Erin & Mike asked everyone what they wanted to get out of the class/what our goals were.  They video taped our gait and will analyze it Thursday at class.  We do have to run a 5k baseline on Thursday, I laughed when they told us and said that I better show up early so I can get it done in time. Mike told me I'm not allowed to stress out about it, it's a baseline run, that's all.  I'm going to listen to him.

Part of my "action plan" was to set some goals in writing & post them on the bathroom mirror.  Last night I wrote down 10 things I want to accomplish by 12/31/2010.  I'm going to post the fitness ones
1. lose 25lbs
2. commit to CF - 3x/week and CFE 2x/week
3. commit to consistent healthy nutrition and healthy living
4. run a 5k by Thanksgiving weekend. no more run/walking. (I threw it out to my family to run the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning - they agreed!)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 1

I've never blogged before and I'm not 100% sure how I feel about putting my feelings out there in public, but who's to say anyone's even going to read this.  Whether or not they do, I'm going to do this for me and see how blogging/being accountable works out.

Labor Day weekend is over, I had a great time, but it hit me today that summer once again flew by and the year will be over before I know it.  Am I going to once again find myself re-capping the year in December, thinking the same things as the last few years?  I didn't achieve what I wanted to,  or talked about - but if I'm honest with myself, I didn't really put my best effort into achieving them either.

I sat down and wrote out 10 goals that I want to achieve by 12/31/2010, putting pen to paper is always more effective for me versus just saying it in my head.  I've been contemplating a lot lately and I know what I need to do - I just need to commit to doing it.  Once again, my commitment issues have raised their ugly head - this time, I will win. 

Bryce's article this week really struck a cord.  I know that, I feel  working out/eating right isn't a challenge for everyone.  I get the false sense that people in great shape don't ever struggle with motivation or desire, but I realize that isn't the case.  People who maintain good health & physical fitness chose to do so.  They make solid and consistent choices about what they put in their mouths and how they treat their bodies.  It isn't "easier" for them, they just keep the goal in mind and choose accordingly.

"Just remember, you are the only person who is in control of your life!
If your goal is to improve your performance and your life, you have
to take control of the situation.  All the coaches at CrossFit Chicago
want you to succeed, but your are the only one who can initiate that
motivation for change and improvement.  If you want something bad
enough, block out the negative influences in your life.  Your success
is only dependent on you!"