Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Two for Tuesday

Doing the Paleo Challenge has been more fun and motivating than I was expecting.  I met both my teammates Suzanne & Kori last night.  Everyone at the box is really getting into doing this, sharing recipes, checking in with each other on progress, encouraging, giving advice etc..  It's great.   I'm learning so much about nutrition and it makes me want to keep learning more.  Understanding what works/doesn't work for you and how food positively or negatively affects your body is empowering.  I sincerely wish I had grabbed onto this earlier in life and not spent the last several years struggling with it.  However, I fully acknowledge I can't change the past, but I can make an impact for the rest of my life and going forward, be the best that I can be.

Tuesday is a double day.  CF in the morning and Endurance class at night.  Instead of dreading it, I was looking forward to it.  Lately I find myself looking forward to working out and going to the box.  This is probably the first time in my life I can say that.  I've never really enjoyed working out at a gym, I always loved playing sports & would take playing basketball or any sport for 2 hours over 1 hour at a gym.  Even when the alarm goes off at 5:15am, I'm not dreading it.

3 Rounds for time of
15 Hang power cleans
15 Burpees
I was winded after the 1st round of hang power cleans on this one.  The burpees felt sluggish

10 x 30sec sprints (2 min rest in between)
we did this in the upstairs parking garage.  the first half of the sprint was uphill/ramp.  Really worked on form, keeping distance consistent.  30 seconds doesn't seem long, but I definitely needed the 2min rest after about round 4.

nutrition has been really good this week.  I feel like the light bulb has gone off/I've made the connection in understanding the reason for eating clean & being consistent.  I've been keeping consistent with my food log and I feel so much better and have had really good energy and slept well all week.   My sleep has been so on-and-off for the last 2 years, it's amazing to sleep soundly, what a huge difference it makes!

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