Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back at it & Body Fat analysis

Today was my first day back at the box and it definitely felt like I'd been off for 1 1/2 weeks.  It did feel good to get sweaty & workout though.  As part of the challenge everyone has to weigh-in & do a 3 point body fat measurement.   Rudy offered to do a full body fat measurement & analysis (10 point pinching), a physical test, and a functional movement screen to the first 20 people who emailed him, I was one of the lucky ones.  I will admit, I wasn't looking forward to it. I also had to get on the scale & weigh-in.  I was trying to not be depressed about it, but as Rudy very kindly put it, "this is a starting point"....my intention is to make great strides and not look back.  I'm going to focus on the improvements I can make in the next 41 days!

15-10-5 reps of:
Power Clean (65#)
CTB Pull-up (green band)

I will never admit to liking burpees, but as I improve my fitness, these do not suck as bad as they used to.  A few months ago, having to do 30 burpees in a workout would sent me running in the other direction, now I don't even think about it.

ok, I know I publicly pledged my commitment to the Paleo challenge, but I had a little slip up today.  I started yesterday (Monday) and was doing well with it.  Today I could not resist the candy bowl that is at my desk.  For years I have kept a candy bowl and everyone stops by, has a bite, etc..  Most days I don't even think about it nor am I tempted by it, today however, there happened to be some Reese Peanut Butter cups in there....that damn salty-sweet concoction got me!  Other than that, I've been good.  I made fish twice and some meatloaf; roasted brussel sprouts with onions & turkey bacon (quite tasty) and my new favorite salad - WholeFoods "detox salad".  I've only seen this at the Lakeview store, but it is so yummy.  It's got broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sunflower seeds & currants with lemons juice & a little agave.  I added pepper & garlic powder.  I made a big batch and it keeps well, is very tasty & refreshing!

1 comment:

  1. nice work Holly. Burpees are never fun, but if you can conquer the burpee, you've won a huge fight! Also, remove the candy bowl from your desk if you can. Much like clearing your pantry of bad food, you should remove temptation at work too.
