Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rewards & Consequences

I've been in Colorado since Saturday and am so happy being out here.  I'm with great friends, the weather has been fantastic, we have sunshine everyday and the view from our balcony is the mountains.  Can't really ask for much more.

We've gone hiking a few times and I checked out a local CrossFit gym.  This area is filled with active people, it's really inspiring.  Pikes Peak is right by where we are staying, there is an extremely intimidating hike called "The Incline" - it's 1 mile (vertical/uphill) hike with 5,000 railroad tiles.  You can see the trail aka "the scar".  The owner of the CF gym we went to said he has clients come in specifically to train for The Incline...maybe next trip out we'll try it!

Monday night I was talking about the goals I had written down and JMac asked me what I was going to have as my reward for achieving them & consequence for if I didn't.  I hadn't thought about it before, so I tried to avoid the answer by saying "I'm just going to be happy with crossing them off my list".  She knows me well enough to call my BS and firmly replied by saying "try need a consequence and a reward"  I said didn't have one.  She gave a great argument for doing it and having something visual to look at to remind you along the way to stay on track.  I told her I have my goals taped to my bathroom mirror, I look at them 3-4 times a day - I was fine with that.  She had a better idea.  She asked me what my biggest fear about myself was and I admitted it was having anyone see me in a sports bra & spandex.  After much back and forth, me bursting into tears, it morphed into my consequence.  Somehow I agreed to it and accepted the consequence.  Even writing this down, I have a nervous stomach about it...However, I acknowledge having a consequence has validity and that I will do everything possible to make sure I hit my goal.  I will lose 50lbs by May 30, 2011

So here it is...officially declared that if I have not reached my weight loss goal by Memorial Day 2011, then I will do a walk of shame in my sports bra & spandex shorts on Michigan Ave....I'd rather take a hot iron in my eye.

I'm on vacation, so I haven't been strict on my diet, but I have to say, it really hasn't been that bad.  We're staying at a condo, so we have a kitchen and have cooked in a few nights.  However, Saturday night (first night here), we went for Mexican food.  Admittedly, I fell face first into the margaritas & queso dip.  They were tasty and we were having fun.  I semi-justified it with the fact that I was drinking "Skinny Margaritas" - my, my, I think I have found a new drink!  It's Silver tequila, lime juice & agave, over ice.  Delicious!  I also have my eye on the calendar...the Paleo Challenge starts Saturday, so slacker time is over soon.


  1. Go get that goal Holly! I'll be at the box to support you every step of the way.

  2. Great motivator. I have total faith that you can do it.

    Now, what's your reward?
